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How to develop good gummies for your product range ?

Coming from the United States, the gummies trend is settling on the French market since 2018 with brands such as Lashilé Beauty or les Miraculeux.


If consumers showed a relative timidity towards the gummies at the start, by 2025, it is estimated that the overall worldwide consumption should exceed 6 billion euros.  It is worthwhile noting that in France, for the first semester 2021, gummies sales in pharmacies registered a rebound of 88% (vs 1st semester 2020) and reached 11.7 million euros.


To this day, those chewing gums that remind us of candy constitute a must have in a food supplement range. Therefore, how to add gummies to your range and offer a relevant product ?


1- Ensure efficacy


The arrival of gummies on the French market did not go smoothly. In fact, this innovating and playful galenic form, which is offered to improve the consistency of a food supplement treatment or observance, has seen its efficacy questioned.


The origin of this questioning is mainly due to the gummies manufacturing technique which leaves little space for actives in the formulation (vs texturing agents).


This is why, the choice of active ingredients to be added to a gummy is an essential criterion to take into account to ensure its efficacy as a food supplement. Some ingredients are effective at low dosage.  It is the case of saffron, melatonin, some vegetable ceramides, most vitamins and some minerals.


However, collagen, and most adaptogens or superfruits and numerous plants cannot be used in a gummy at effective dosage. It is thus essential to source, ahead of the formulating trials, the relevant actives for a food supplement gummy.


Finally, to convince of a gummy’s efficacy, it is possible to carry out clinical tests or consumer tests (while ensuring conformity to regulation when communicating on these tests).


2- Stand out


  • Through texture and shape: they both constitute the assets of a gummy ! Other food supplement galenic forms do not allow choice of texture and shape. It is thus essential to capitalize on this asset of gummies.

Shape and texture must ensure pleasure and usefulness of chewing. Indeed, if the texture is too soft it can give the impression off a too “candy like” food supplement and artificially question its efficacy.  On the other hand, a slightly firmer texture can add to pleasure some stress relief effect.

Many paths of textures and shapes for gummies remain unexploited. Shape and texture constitute important innovation and differentiation levers which can easily trigger purchase for the consumer.

Consequently, it justifies dedicating it some development time, which is a key part because of the very specific manufacturing process of gummies.


  • Through « Sugar Free » : glucose contained in gummies is subject to numerous concerns, due to problematics of diabetes, hyper cholesterol, weight gain or skin inflammation. Alternatives that should be preferred exist like fruit extracts which bring a sweet taste or like mild and natural sweeteners.


  • Through taste : the right balance of flavor must be found between tasty, natural, light or on the contrary original, addictive…. The daily intake of gummies should not lead to saturation due to a too strong flavor.


Thus, to answer to the rising demand for this galenic form, do not hesitate to get your own gummy formulas developed. They will allow you to ensure your gummies efficacy, to differentiate yourself and increase your sales.


At Kares-up, we offer standard gummies as well as new gummy bases to develop without pectin or sugar. Do not hesitate to contact us to know more and tell us about your projects.


Raphaëlle DA COSTA
Kares-Up Founder


* Source : Gers Data



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